Fuel Tanks

D.I.E.S.E.L Ltd have been purchasing and removing used forklifts from office blocks, data centres, telecom companies, hospitals, insurance companies, banks, industrial sites, police stations, fire stations and various other Government bodies since 1996.

We have completed a number of jobs where large fuel tanks have been installed to keep the forklifts operating during a power outage some of these fuel tanks have been in excess of 50,000 litres and installed in basement plant rooms.

We have provided a full decommissioning and removal service of fuel tanks which includes:

All waste materials removed from the site are logged onto a waste transfer note. We then ensure you receive a copy of this document, which shows you where the materials have been disposed of in accordance with current requirements.

If we can be of further assistance to you please do not hesitate to contact Bob Hunter on 01708 859625 or email us at info@buy-my-forklift.co.uk.

Forklift for Sale